Ingrid\’s solo exhibition, Madness of the Muses, opens Saturday, August 3rd in Aspen at the Forré Gallery. The reception is from 4 to 8pm. This is Ingrid\’s third one-person exhibition in Aspen. The exhibition will be comprised of 12 of her most experimental works to date, none of which have been shown before. Each piece is a reach into the depths of creativity that has made Ingrid\’s work so unusual and so collectible.

Madness of the Muses – the Art of Ingrid Dee Magidson, Ingrid\’s new book, will be officially released at the reception. The book features Ingrid\’s work from the last seven years. Also included is a catalogue of the complete works from 2006 to 2013, along with essays and articles by prominent art collector Bradley E. Place and others. Hardcover, 176 pages.

TheForré Gallery is located at 426 East Hyman Ave in Aspen (a quarter of a block from the Wheeler Opera House). Ingrid will be at the reception to visit with collectors and to sign books. It is a rare opportunity to see so many great works together, meet the artist and get her new book. RSVP is not necessary but plan to come early, it is likely to get very busy. See you there.