Ingrid recently completed her artwork honoring Catherine the Great.

The intricately layered mixed-media work is entitled \”Reflection.\” It is an homage to the Hermitage and its founder Catherine the Great:
\”I am deeply inspired by men and women who have changed the world profoundly. Catherine the Great was one of these women. I wanted to capture her essence in this piece. Deeply rooted inside her soul, she knew her purpose and her destiny. With that inner driven passion, she alone helped give the world one of the greatest gifts to its future, the Hermitage Museum.
In this piece Reflection, Catherine is shown in her coronation gown along with her crown. The viewer is able to look into her dress to see a present-day Hermitage – a view towards the future. Surrounding her to the right and underneath are many portraits of her family, her husband, and her lovers who influenced her and formed her life. Like a family tree, I’ve included branches to represent their connection to Catherine.
To the left of the main portrait, the viewer can see a reflection of Catherine. It is ghostlike, representing the lasting impression of her life echoing into eternity. Like the butterflies, each of us lives only a brief time, but can leave a permanent mark. Also, if the viewer looks into Catherine’s reflection at the correct angle, they will see themselves. This is symbolic of how each of us never actually sees oneself, but only a reflection as seen through the eyes of another.\”
-Ingrid Dee Magidson, 2012
Wonderful write up on this piece! So exciting to be a part of this again.
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