Ingrid has finished and sent off the final 5 pieces for her exhibition in Denver. \”Windows into the Past\” opens Thursday & Friday at the Masters Gallery from 6-9pm both nights. Ingrid is very proud of her latest work. The exhibition consists of 11 works, all but one completed in 2011. \”It has been thrilling. I dug deep into myself for this group, and I\’m very pleased with the results. I can\’t wait to see all the work hung in the gallery.\” Ingrid said yesterday as the works left her studio. \”The works are very personal to me.\” She said. \”Sometimes people ask, \’Then how can you let them go?\’ Once the emotions are expressed they are free to go. When they leave, they create a space for me to create more. And that is what I live for in my art.\”
\”Windows into the Past\”
Opening on two nights: Thursday and Friday, May 19 and 20 at 6-9pm.
Masters Gallery
The Village Shops at The Landmark
5370 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 303.221.2449
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