Once Upon a Timeless opens in Houston, TX, Friday, April 22 at the Unix Gallery
Ingrid has reached into the creative unknown to produce her most exciting work to date. It has always been her goal to paint the human spirit in her work, to capture that spark or essence that is the nobility in each of us. Using three related techniques in this unusual exhibition, Ingrid brushes the beauty within each of us. Though it is difficult to capture the true depth and dimensionality of her work in photographs, here for your viewing pleasure are a few samples of the masterpieces you will see at the exhibition.

Ingrid continues to create her most well-known work, consisting of transparent layers, antique objects and butterflies. Stunningly beautiful images that touch the divine in each of us.

Never content to stand still, Ingrid experiments with new materials in this recent series of dimensional work. The objects literally jump from the surface.

Abstraction has always been a critical part of Ingrid\’s work, sometime layered deep within her figurative work, or gently applied to the transparent surfaces. Her show in Houston will be the first time these paintings will be shown as separate and unique work.

Once Upon a Timeless
April 22 – May 31, 2016
Opening Reception for the Artist: Friday, April 22, 5-8pm
Unix Gallery
4411 Montrose Blvd
Houston, TX 77006
This show is spectacular! Ingrid is truly one of the great Artist of today… showing how the past becomes an abstract masterpiece of love and talent.